Become a business sponsor and help celebrate accessible boating for generations to come!

We have sponsorship options that work with any budget. Get your brand in front of our 2,500+ Instagram followers, 8,700+ newsletter subscribers, over 10,000 monthly website viewers, and display your organization’s banner on the waterfront. Let us show you what we do with an on-the-water team building activity for you and your staff!

By sponsoring us, you are supporting a valuable community asset that has offered over 15 years of significant local impact. Tethering your brand to the work we do lets people know that you give back to a cause they respect.

table with Annual Sponsorship Levels, from left to right columns are: benfits, platinum $5000, gold $2500, Silver $1000, Bronze $500
Annual Events and Programs from March through December and "your generous sponsorship changes lives" with quotes below of testimonies

Our Sponsors